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Investing in the Future

It has been quite a whirlwind since we voted to make Ted Carter our priority candidate. In our earliest listening sessions we kept hearing how much everyone wanted a strong leader for our university.

Opportunities to listen to him in public forums have solidified my belief that we made the right choice.  

Even so, there’s one big thing I think we should talk about. One thing I’ve received emails about both in support and voicing concerns. A lot of people are talking about the contract we are negotiating with Ted Carter. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a lot of money. I remember thinking the same thing when Scott Frost and other coaches were hired for millions of dollars.

As was explained to me at the time of those hires, the market required these big dollars to sign Scott because of the belief that he could return the Huskers to their previous glory. Our hire of Ted Carter comes from this same belief that we can be an outstanding public university.

It comes from belief in our university.  

We were fortunate to have Hank Bounds willing to work at a lower salary but times and goals have changed. The national consulting firm that we hired advised us about the level of compensation that would be needed to bring a leader of this stature to Nebraska.

Maybe it would be helpful to be looking at this as an investment, rather than a payment. To whom great things are given, from whom great things are expected. We are seeking large national grants from the US government and national foundations and we need a leader that is respected and has the proven ability to work at a national level. Ted Carter can do this. His fundraising potential is immeasurable and he is up to the task.  

For me the bottom line is this: if we are willing to pay a football coach $5 million what does it say about us that we would not do the same for the person responsible for the university as a whole?

We may not like what the market requires but we need to be realistic about what is required to become the incredible university we know we can be. 

Now the big task ahead is to help our new president and his wife Lynda learn as much as possible about the university, Nebraskans, and the good life we have. So, what are your ideas for helping our new leader settle into this important work?



*Barbara’s thoughts as written by Kate based on weekly (fascinating) conversations.



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