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when it rains, it floods

Even though the writing was on the wall, one of the things that I did not foresee was how much the University of Nebraska would need to deal with flooding issues in the state. To be honest, I don’t think I was the only one in the state who was caught somewhat off guard.

But when the worst did happen and the floodwaters surged across the state, I’m proud to say that everyone on all of our campuses jumped immediately into action.

Flooding hit the town of Kearney hard and fast. When longtime residents as well as travelers in hotels were driven out by dangerous rising waters, University of Nebraska Kearney opened its dorms – which were one of the areas of campus thankfully unaffected – to over 250 people in need of shelter and safety.

Food, bedding and games were provided, additional clothing was available to buy for those who had to leave their luggage and extra clothes behind. UNK staff, students and faculty welcomed everyone with open arms and saw to it that all who needed assistance were taken care of. That, to me, is the definition of what it means to be a community.

When the waters finally did recede, buses were organized to return people to their cars and personal belongings were sent to the addresses provided.

Weddings planned for ballrooms in damaged communal spaces were moved to safe areas on the UNK campus so that people could still celebrate. In fact one couple was so touched by what UNK had done to make their special day happen that they donated the money they received as gifts to UNK to express their gratitude!

It’s easy to be polite and welcoming when everything is going well. When disaster strikes, that’s when you discover the true character of a person, or a place.

Every last person who stepped up and met those challenges and the community with open hearts – acting on behalf of the University and all of us Nebraskans – showed their true colors and made us proud.


*Barbara’s thoughts as written by Kate based on weekly (fascinating) conversations.


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